Greenhouse tomato early spring management suggestions

Since the beginning of spring, Xiaxian has more rainy days, so pay attention to the following issues in the greenhouse tomato management:

(1) strictly follow the four temperature management indicators

Sunny days: 25°C - 28°C in the morning, 25°C - 20°C in the afternoon, 17°C - 14°C in the middle of the night, and 13°C - 10°C in the middle of the night.

Cloudy days: 23°C-25°C in the morning; 20°C-18°C in the afternoon; 17°C-14°C in the middle of the night; 13°C-10°C in the middle of the night.

Even cloudy days: 20°C-22°C in the morning; 20°C-18°C in the afternoon; 17°C-10°C in the middle of the night; 10°C-8°C in the middle of the night.

(2) According to the weather, flexible management of temperature management principles: the weather determines sunshine conditions, pays close attention to weather changes, avoids high-temperature injuries and low-temperature injuries, and in the “Sunnyday” four-phase temperature management, the focus is to strive for extended sunshine hours in the morning to heat storage; In the middle of the night, it prevents the high temperature from being long, and the grasshoppers cover the early cover and the moderate release of winds. In the “four-phase change” management of cloudy weather, the emphasis is on increasing the temperature and heat storage during the day according to the amount of cloudiness; The early cover of the grass cover early in the evening and there is less ventilation at noon; in the management of “four-phase temperature change” in Lianyungang, the focus is to appropriately reduce the management temperature, and strengthen the insulation and cold-proofing. Light prevents the wilting of leaves.

(3) temperature management characteristics before and after watering: should be carried out in the sunny morning. No watering in high temperature period, afternoon, evening or rainy days. The amount of watering is a small ditch. After watering, it is sealed and kept airless. The temperature of the shed is increased, and the water evaporation is promoted. The humidity is released at 2-3 pm and the amount of condensation and condensation time at night is reduced. After 3 days, the water is transferred to normal. management.

(4) The tuyere setting is suitable for the combination of the top tuyere and the tuyere, only the bottom tuyere is provided, and the indoor temperature cannot be controlled.

(5) Temperature measurement position: The correct temperature measurement position is in the middle of the greenhouse, and the temperature control head is at the top of the plant canopy, and is continuously adjusted as the plant grows taller.

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