New kinetic energy in the medical system: Find new drugs with AI
NVIDIA's recent collaboration with the healthcare system has been successful. NVIDIA recently said that the company is committed to the new drug development partner, through the built-in GPU training system of artificial intelligence computers, in just one month, they found two models of Alzheimer's disease drugs. Research firm IDC pointed out that by 2020, 80% of big data and analytics deployments will require decentralized micro-analysis, while 40% of company analytics software will include standard-based analysis based on cognitive computing capabilities. All of the above trends require a dramatic breakthrough in existing computing power, and it is likely to be driven by the GPU. NVIDIA's solution engineering architecture manager, Kang Shengyu, said that NVIDIA began to invest in deep learning five years ago to let the computer learn how to judge things and scenes through the process of deep learning through videos, pictures and texts. However, these judgments depend on good computing performance. Therefore, NVIDIA uses GPU technology to accelerate the deep learning. Kang Shengyu said that the hospital has a lot of images, such as X-ray films and various images after scanning. In the past, these images were given to doctors for interpretation. If there is a system that can help doctors make more accurate interpretations, It is possible to find the cause early, so the introduction of deep learning has led developers to start research. Not only that, but Kang Shengyi also pointed out the case of the British startup In the past, the development of new drugs took a very long time, about 12 to 14 years, and huge funds. Among them, it is very important to find out the model of the new drug. By automating the identification model in large-scale data, scientists are able to set assumptions and find conclusions faster, and automation is faster than any human researcher. With an artificial intelligence computer with a built-in GPU training system, scientists are now looking for models of two Alzheimer's drugs in just one month.
Probiotics are a group of active microorganisms that are beneficial to the host by colonizing the body and changing the composition of the host flora in a certain area. It is a single microorganism or a mixture of microorganisms with well-defined composition that can produce beneficial effects on health by regulating the immune function of the host mucosa and system or by regulating the balance of flora in the intestine and promoting nutrient absorption to maintain a healthy intestine.
The probiotics that scientists have discovered so far can be broadly divided into three major categories which include. Probiotics Shaanxi Zhongyi Kangjian Biotechnology Co.,Ltd ,
â‘ Lactobacillus class such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus janus, Lactobacillus lamanis, etc.
â‘¡Bifidobacteria category such as Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium shortum, Bifidobacterium ovale, Bifidobacterium thermophilum, etc.
â‘¢ Gram-positive cocci such as Streptococcus faecalis, Lactococcus lactis, Streptococcus intermedius, etc.