Beauty weight loss two correct summer fruits eat like this

Summer is the right time to lose weight, exercise to lose weight out of a sweat, diet and weight loss because the weather is too hot and no appetite, for everyone to recommend a few weight loss fruit, so you easily lose weight in the summer, but beauty beauty, two birds with one stone.



Bananas are rich in dietary fiber and can stimulate gastrointestinal motility and excretion. If you do not eat anything, you only eat bananas, and the calories are much lower than those of dinner. Naturally, you lose weight. However, such rapid weight loss often results in adverse reactions to the body because it is not properly adjusted. If it is sustained by bananas for a long time, the body lacks various nutrients such as protein and minerals, which is detrimental to the body.


Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, sugar is not high, if you eat a grapefruit instead of a meal, the heat of course is low, if the heat of other meals is also properly controlled, after a period of time naturally slim down. However, if your body is weak, it is best to eat a few slices of high-fiber soda crackers to prevent gastrointestinal pain caused by an acidity that may be unbearable due to an empty stomach.


Lemon is rich in vitamins, which can reduce the incidence of freckles, dark spots, and some whitening effect. Lemon and vinegar have the same effect of breaking down fat, and a cup of a drink after dinner can really make you more beautiful and slim. However, the acidity of lemon and vinegar are very high, and drinking an empty stomach or drinking too much can hurt the stomach.


Apple is a low-calorie fruit, and as such, many people use it as a diet meal. It should be noted that compared with ordinary meals, apples have a much lower calorie and will, of course, lose weight. However, over time, the imbalance of nutrition will be detrimental to the body, and once stopped, the weight will slowly rise.


Pineapple rich in vitamins, can promote metabolism, eliminate fatigue, rich dietary fiber, can accelerate gastrointestinal motility. If you like to eat pineapple, you can eat some after the meal. Don't eat it when the stomach is empty, otherwise it will affect your health.

Fruit sugar control weight loss key glycemic index

Those who are losing weight or controlling blood sugar, do not think that the sweeter fruit will not touch; nutritionist analysis, sweet green kiwi, apple, papaya, guava, etc., to meet the sweet mouth, but also not easy to be hungry, which mysteries It is in the fruit's Glycemic Index (GI).

People have two pole myths. Some people think that fruit will not be fat and they can eat more food. Some people are afraid of fat and give up sweet fruits. In fact, the interactions of sweetness, sugar content, GI value, and calorie make the sweet taste on the taste and obesity two different things.

The GI value is the change of human blood glucose and insulin 2 hours before eating and 2 hours after eating. The GI value is based on 100% pure glucose. The higher the GI value, the higher the blood sugar before and after eating and drinking, and the faster the elimination of hypoglycemia and hunger. But once the peak of blood sugar is over, the hungry gets faster.

The GI value of Portuguese and Portuguese reached 106.1, which explains why diabetic patients have to be taboo on grape because the steep rise and fall of blood glucose is not conducive to blood glucose control. Similarly, the weight loss menu to see the heat, but also reference GI value, blood glucose slow down, eat less but not easy to feel hungry, it will not eat too much and eat too hard.

Sweet taste is the subjective feeling of taste buds. People, ages, diseases, drugs and other factors determine people's feelings of taste. After the old people get diabetes and take cold medicine, they will be slow to sweet, and think that apple sweet flavor will fade, sweet and sour. Kiwi fruit is more sour and less sweet.

The sugar content is measured by a light-refracting instrument. The terroir conditions of the fruit and the climate difference will cause a slight change in the sugar content. The sweet-squeezed watermelon is about 10.7, which is lower than the sweet green kiwifruit; but the watermelon GI The value of 84.3 is more than four times that of the sweet green kiwi fruit.

One of the keys to high sugar but low GI is dietary fiber. Watermelon has almost no dietary fiber. By passing through the stomach and stomach, it immediately increases blood sugar, stimulates insulin secretion, and quenches thirst.

On the contrary, kiwifruit, apples, small tomatoes, papaya, Thai guava, etc., have more dietary fiber as buffers, and sweet mouths do not increase blood sugar. The banana diet from Japan to Taiwan has a similar effect. It is recommended that it should be performed on the 2nd day of the week. By the way, it is not suitable for eating every day.

The second key is the type of sugar. The GI value of natural fructose is only 30, which is less than 1/3 of that of glucose. The higher the content of natural fructose, the lower the blood sugar load.

Women have 3 servings of fruit, 4 males, 2 children, and 2 diabetic patients. Each serving is about a big fist or a bowl full of 7, 8 points. Choose low-GI, high-fiber, and low-calorie fruits to control sugar and reduce weight. To be labeled as fruit juice, it is best to add vegetables, more fiber and avoid excessive fruit consumption.

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