A lactic acid bacteria helps relieve gout
Release date: 2015-06-29 Gout is caused by the sputum contained in the food becoming uric acid in the human body and accumulating in joints and other parts. A recent study in Japan showed that certain lactic acid bacteria can act on sputum and curb the increase in serum uric acid concentration. Earthworms are essential for the body to work, and seafood, meat and beer contain high levels of barium. After ingesting a large amount of sputum, the human serum uric acid value will increase, and gout and hyperuricemia are prone to occur. Researchers at Tokyo Women's Medical University divided 25 patients with gout and hyperuricemia into two groups. One group drank yoghurt containing lactic acid bacteria PA-3 twice a day for 100 grams for 8 weeks. The other group served as a control group and did not drink this yogurt. The comparison found that the lactic acid bacteria have a very obvious effect on the inhibition of uric acid concentration. The researchers pointed out that this is because the lactic acid bacteria PA-3 strain will decompose and absorb sputum, making it difficult to be directly absorbed by the human body. As the sputum is reduced, the uric acid concentration is also suppressed. When conducting experiments in a culture dish, the researchers also confirmed that the lactic acid bacteria can absorb cockroaches into the bacteria. Yamada Shou, a professor at the Tokyo Women's Medical University who led the study, said that although the drug cannot be completely replaced, the use of the lactic acid bacteria PA-3 strain is expected to develop a new method for preventing gout, thereby lifting the dietary restriction. Source: Technology Daily Short range distance sensors from JRT combine highly precise measurement results with quick and reliable response. Short distance sensor module use single-transmit and single-receive measurement technology and can be used to measure a distance or monitor the slow moving objects. For the laser pointer distance measure, also called optical range sensor, can measure legth, width, depth. Laser rangefinder transducer with rxtx has been widely used to industries. Laser Distance Sensor Short Range,Short Range Sensors,Oem Laser Distance Sensor,Distance Sensor Laser Chengdu JRT Meter Technology Co., Ltd , https://www.rangesensors.com