Prevention and treatment of spotted blight of celery
First, choose more resistant varieties. Second, the use of non-disease harvested seeds or seedlings every other year, the use of new species last year, the seeds must be disinfected, can be used 48 degrees Celsius soaking warm water for 30 minutes, this method slightly affects the seed germination rate, should increase 10% sowing rate . Third, make a good foundation and apply enough basal fertilizer. After 7 to 10 days after colonization, a small amount of fertilization was started by combining watering, and vigorous growth was required during the vigorous growth period. Topdressing pay attention to the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, increase phosphorus fertilizer in the early stage, and increase potassium fertilizer in the middle period. Irrigation water should be ground irrigation, avoid flood irrigation. After the rain, drained water from the fields. Fourth, timely harvest. The diseased leaves and especially the lower leaves were removed at the early stage of the disease and buried deeply. Fifth, more than two years of rotation for serious illness. Sixth, early onset of chemical control: 1, use 75% chlorothalonil (Dakkonin) WP 600. Antialcoholic Liver Extract,Anti-Alcoholic Liver Extract,Liver Protection,Enhance Liver Nutrition Shaanxi Zhongyi Kangjian Biotechnology Co.,Ltd ,