What are the techniques for high-yield planting of broad beans?

The cultivation of broad beans plays a very good role in improving soil, fertilizing soil fertility, increasing grain production and increasing farmers' income. The high-yield cultivation techniques of broad beans are introduced as follows:

Selection of improved seed paddy field should choose Miaoqi buds, roots deep, root nodule early, stem thick and dense, stems are not long, leaf thickness is disease-free, leaf color is normal, pods are full, suitable for local planting varieties.

The selected broad bean should be wet and afraid of waterlogging. It should be planted in paddy fields and dry land with good irrigation and drainage conditions. The dry land can be combined with 20 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 25 kg of compound fertilizer as base fertilizer.

Planting broad beans in a timely manner is more suitable for sowing from frost to frost.

The planting density of rice in a reasonable densely planted rice field is about 20,000. It can be planted along the rice stalks after rice harvesting (in accordance with the beans). Generally, the rice fields planted in two rows can be expanded in the middle of small rows, and the seedlings can be expanded in the dry land. 0.3 meters from each other, 2-3 capsules per pond. Ensure ventilation and light transmission to reduce disease.

Strengthen the management of cultivating, do a good job of seedling replanting, and ensure that Miaoqi, Miaoyun, and Miaozhuang; secondly, we must do a good job of weeding and topdressing. When the seedlings grow 3-4 leaves, 5 kg of urea per acre, 10 kg of calcium. 10 kg of potash fertilizer should be applied once again. It should also be combined with cultivating and weeding, and apply 800-1000 kg of farmyard manure. In the later stage, the seedlings should be topdressed and topdressed and drained (the whole growth period will ensure the soil is moist, and the flowering period will be 1-2 times) and pest control.

Harvest at the right time When the plants die, the bean buds become black and hard and can be harvested.

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