White Pelican Drug Identification
Drug identification Character identification The rhizomes are slightly irregularly oblate or rhombic, with 2-3 divisions like palmate, 1.5-5 cm long and 0.5-1.5 cm thick. The surface is grayish or yellowish-white with fine wrinkles. There are raised scars on the top. There are also traces connecting the other tuber below. There are several tan concentric ring patterns centered on the stalk, and brown fibrous roots on the ring. mark. Hard and hard to break. Sections are white, translucent, and keratinous, visible in dotted vascular bundles. Coarse powder swells in water and has a noticeable stickiness, and the aqueous extract is in a glial form. Odorless, bitter, chewing sticky. Take a large, full, white, translucent, solid quality is better. Microscopic identification Powder characteristics: yellowish white. 1 Most of the parenchyma cells containing gelatinized starch granules were irregular lumps and were blue in the presence of iodine solution. 2 The mucous cells are very large, round or oval in shape, with a diameter of about 380μm, containing calcium oxalate crystals, needles 18-88μm long. 3 The surface of epidermal cells is irregular in shape, with deep wavy curved wall, wall thickness of 3-6μm, woody or micro-wood, pores are obvious, and the peripheral wall has sparsely short slit-like pits; The cuticle. 4 The hypoepithelial cells are polygonal, with slightly curved walls, and some are thickened in a beaded shape and are lignined. 5 long fusiform, walled wood with dimples or intersecting adult fonts; tiny square-shaped cells around the fiber bundle containing round siliceous blocks. In addition, there are stairways, bordered pits, and threaded conduits. Zhoushan Fudan Tourism CO., LTD , https://www.fudanfood.com