Fertilizer management: Topdressing is generally divided into three times. For the first ti

After entering the three-volt weather, most of the crops in China do not need to fight drug

At present, there are many kinds of chemical fertilizers, and there are more than 10 commo

In the e

After the zucchini is sitting on the melon, the plant transitions from vegetative growth t

Organic soybeans are one of the crops that require more fertilizer. Fertilization plays an

Every time the rural land is planted, the growers are smashed their he

Piglets have weak vitality

Generally, a biogas lamp or a biogas infrared furnace is installed in a greenhouse to increase

Automatic shrink film packaging machine
It is suit

Pay attention to the balanced water supply: the requirement of soil water content in the g

"Our company is like a warm sun in the medical oxygen machine industry

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