Excessive wear of piston ring without disassembly inspection method
October 24 04:00:22, 2024
After the engine has been used for a certain period of time, the open gap and side clearance of the piston ring exceed the service limit, causing poor compression and difficulty in starting. At the same time, the consumption of oil increases significantly and the exhaust gas emits blue smoke. Therefore, the piston ring must be replaced in time. Several non-demolition inspection methods are introduced. At a glance, when the engine is running, open the crankcase vent. It can be seen that a strand of mist is continuously discharged from here. As the rotation speed increases, this phenomenon decreases, which indicates that the piston has been seriously worn. When the engine is running, you can also hear the compressed air leaking through the piston ring at the vent hole. This can be verified externally with a stethoscope. With a screwdriver with a long wooden handle, one end touches the upper piston movement area on the opposite side of the fuel injection pump, and the other end is in contact with the two monkey parts near the ear. At the same time, there is poor compression and increased engine oil consumption, which indicates that the piston ring is seriously worn. The three consumptions are determined based on the engine oil consumption and the percentage of the oil consumption of the fuel consumption engine. The engine oil consumption is almost constant before a certain working period. After this period, the engine oil consumption is significantly increased. It is generally considered that the oil consumption accounts for the fuel consumption. At 4%, the piston ring should be replaced. For example, the Dongfanghong-54 tractor. Every 1500 hours of operation, the oil consumption is more than 15 kg, and the exhaust pipe will emit blue smoke. The piston ring should be replaced. When the engine is evacuated and depressurized, the engine ring can be heard outside the crankcase ventilation hole. You can hear the sound of air leakage from the piston ring. To verify whether the above phenomenon is true, you can fill the inlet with a suitable amount of oil, and then shake off the shake. Turning the crankshaft, the sound of air leakage disappeared, or significantly reduced, indicating that the open gap and side clearance of the piston are seriously worn out, and new parts must be replaced. As long as one of the above four kinds of anomalies occurs, it can be confirmed that the gap between the piston opening and the edge gap exceeds the limit of use and must be promptly replaced.