The bee colony was transported to a remote place where there was a large amount of honey flowing from the honey plants to obtain bee products and breeding methods. Also called the bee. Breeding grounds first appeared in the Nile Valley in Egypt, and it has been more than 3,000 years old. Feeding on the ground can help the bees to breed in advance, and even without crossing or overwintering, the production period of bee colonies can be advanced or prolonged, making it easy to make full use of the honey sources in the regions so that the bees can increase their yield and accelerate their development. This is one of the main feeding methods. Transfer to the ground for short and long distances. Short-distance transfer, also known as small transfer to the ground, is characterized by a small transfer area, near fortune, less transfer, cost savings, and one or two major honey sources and auxiliary honey source areas can be used. The long-distance transfer of land is also called a large-scale transfer. It usually takes one or more transfers. It takes more than two days to reach the new site. The characteristics of large-scale transfer areas are large range of transport, long-distance transport, multiple transfer, suitable number of bee colonies, high management level, sufficient liquidity, and good transportation conditions. China's main bee feeding route: Western, Central, East China Agricultural Network Editor