Xiagu has such characteristics as late sowing, short growth period, rapid growth, short stalks, and low roots. For this purpose, management should highlight the word “early†in order to achieve strong seedlings, strong roots, strong stalks, and strong ears. It lays a foundation of 667 square meters. Early sowing of seeding, promotion of seedlings, seedlings, and high-yielding planting in summer valley should be suitable for the following species. The minimum soil moisture content should be 11% to 13%. Xiagu is required to grab the early sowing, and the drought year can be ditched and watered after wheat is harvested, then spread and covered with soil. The output of Xiagu decreases with the delay of the sowing date. Generally, it is broadcasted in mid-June. The sowing rate per 667m2 is 0.4-0.5kg, and the depth is about 3.3cm. Early seedlings, Dingmiao, and promote the group of reasonable when the seedlings grow to 3-4 leaves to immediately conduct a time, Dingmiao, to retain 50,000 seedlings is appropriate. Early cultivator extirpation, stalk stalk sturdiness, stalk sturdiness, and root strength when the valley seedlings grow to the 4 leaf stage, cultivating the mulching with stubble, eradicate weeds, remove weeds, loosen the topsoil on both sides of the Miao Ridge, induced early rooting of aerial roots, prolong the root growth time . When it grows to 6-10 leaves, it is used to raise many times to raise roots, improve soil ventilation, and force deep rooting of fibrous roots. After jointing, the leaves should be deep when they grow to 10-13 pieces. Early top-dressing watering, promoting strong growth of plants and indifferent fertilizer can be divided into two, the first time after the fixed seedlings 667 square meters of urea 10 kilograms, the second in the jointing to the booting stage application of 15 kilograms of urea. Fertile land can be fertilized before heading and depending on the situation of 667 square meters of topdressing 10-20 kg of urea, combined with watering. Early prevention of plant diseases and insect pests, ensure high yields and harvesting. After every 667 m2 of seedlings, 1 kg of phoxim granules are used to sprinkle 20 kg of fine soil on the leaves and leaves to prevent the danger of borers. Rain should be added.