U.S. cultivates edible genetically modified cottonseed
Recently, scientists at the Texas A&M University of Texas successfully controlled the levels of toxins in cottonseeds through genetic improvement. This has made cottonseeds an important food source for humans. Scientists used RNA (RNA interference) to "silence" a gene in cottonseed and successfully cultivated improved cotton. The cottonseed contained extremely low levels of gossypol and even no cottonseed. This cottonseed can be used as a A new source of food for human consumption. There are currently more than 80 countries around the world growing cotton, which produces about 44 million tons of cottonseed each year. After removing the cottonseed oil from the gossypol, the remaining coarse powder can also be ground into a fine powder or used in other forms. 23% of the components in the cottonseed are proteins. Rasor, who heads the project research, predicts that “these genetically modified cotton seeds are expected to meet the protein needs of 500 million people worldwide each year after they are edibleâ€.
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