Four things to do before cotton sowing
Accumulation at the end of the season Because there is less precipitation in winter and spring and the climate is dry, the moisture content of prepared-sowing cotton fields is generally poor. Therefore, cotton should be cultivated timely before planting, pay attention to security, to ensure that the bottom of the soil is enough, the mouth is good, the virtual reality. For the cotton fields that have already been filled with winter water and have good lyrical moisture, they should be protected or covered with plastic film to reduce the evaporation of water; for cotton fields that are poorly plucked, they should be promptly irrigated to expand the area of ​​ramming. Watering 20 days before cotton sowing can be sprayed, drenched, then irrigated and planted to be planted; water that can be poured near the sowing water can be poured in a timely manner after being picked up and down, and sown later. Prepare good varieties According to the production practice and test results in recent years, general cotton fields are suitable for selecting high quality products. Suitable varieties include Kaimian No. 5, Zhongmiansuo No. 23, and Lukenmian 21, among others. The occurrence of yellow wilt disease in the area, especially in severe disease fields, planting medium-grown cotton No. 2 is appropriate. Commercial cotton seeds should be selected from the regular seed sector to provide high-quality seeds with good identification, good purity, high germination rate, and high quality. The seeds that are treated with the coating must have a seed purity of at least 95% and a netness of at least 99%. The germination rate is above 85%. If you choose to keep your own hair, you must use it before sowing so as to promote the ripening of cotton, increase the germination rate, and increase the germination potential. After the seeds are dried, they must be carefully selected to leave seeds that are full, robust, and uniform in size. Warm soaking and dressing seed dressings are also required before sowing. Chemical seed dressing promotes the use of insecticides and fungicides mixed with seed dressings by first mixing insecticides and then with fungicides. 70% of insecticides are used for high quality, 10 grams of medication, 1.5-2 kg of water, and 2 kg of cotton seeds. The fungicide can be selected from 50% of dextrin or 70% of thiophanate methyl or 50% of carbendazim, and the dosage is 0.3% of the seed amount. It is very important to promote the early and normal development of cotton seedlings before applying base fertilizer. Should be in accordance with the application of organic fertilizer, nitrogen and phosphorus stability, potassium supplement micro (boron, zinc) principles of scientific formula, balanced fertilization. The average farmhouse fertilizer per acre is 2500-3000 kg or 50-75 kg of cake fertilizer, 10-15 kg of urea, 20-25 kg of diammonium, and 25 kg of silicon-calcium-magnesium-potassium fertilizer. In order to further improve the combination of fertilization and the entire site, the quality of site preparation must be met with imaginary realities (to be neat and tidy, plowing, hoeing, and other mechanical operations should not leave blanks in the middle of the field or in the middle), and flat (after plowing, hoeing, artificial Leveling and other operations, so that the surface is flat, the soil surface without ridges and obvious pits), loose (soil plough layer, loose virtual reality, soil crushing, the surface of no clod more than 2 cm in diameter), hoe (to be in the soil Ploughing is appropriate when the lyrical conditions are appropriate, when the soil is loose, the soil preparation is easy, and at the same time, the soil can maintain proper moisture content at the time of sowing, which is conducive to seed germination and drought protection) and net (no crop roots, weeds, waste plastic film). The standard. Site preparation is best done 3 to 5 days before sowing. Natural Ranaconitine,Ranaconitine Powder,Cas 1360-76-5,Ranaconi Tine Shaanxi The River Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,