There is less stock of turkey in our country and the price is very high. At this stage, the main markets are high-end hotels and restaurants. Turkey has light and heavy weights. Lightweight, such as the French Betima turkey, has an adult weight of 10 kilograms. It is divided into black and white feathers. It can be naturally mated and hunch. It can produce 150 chicks a year. It can be stocked and free-range. Difficult to raise, suitable for farming. Due to its small size, farmers' markets and hotels are easy to accept. Heavy, such as the United States Nigela white feather turkey, adult body weight up to more than 20 kilograms. It grows fast, has a high rate of meat production, requires artificial insemination for breeding, and is suitable for industrial breeding. Due to its large size, it needs to be divided into small packages or sold after deep processing.