Root class - gentian
Gentian Radix Gentianae (English) Chinese Gentian Alias ​​biliary, water gentian, gentian, four-leaf clover. The source is the root and rhizome of Gentiana scabra Bge. Plant form perennial herb. Stems slightly quadrangular, rough, green or slightly purplish. Leaves opposite, lower leaves scaly; middle and upper leaves ovate-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, margins and lower main veins, culms at base. Flowers clustered at the top of the stem and upper leaf axils; calyx ovate, membranous; corolla blue-purple, bell-shaped, 5-lobed. Capsule ovoid, stalked. Flowering period from September to October, fruiting period in October. Born in the hillside forest and marsh wetlands. Except for the northwest and Tibet, it is produced all over the country. Harvest in spring and autumn, wash and dry. The rhizome of the trait has an irregular block shape, which is 1 to 3 cm long and 0.3 to 1 cm in diameter. The surface is dark grayish brown or dark brown, with stem marks or residual stem base at the upper end, and many fine roots are formed around the lower and lower ends. The root is cylindrical, slightly twisted, 10 to 20 cm long, 0.2 to 0.5 cm in diameter, light yellow or yellowish brown on the surface, horizontal wrinkles on the upper part, and longitudinal wrinkles and root marks on the lower part. It is crisp and has a yellow-white cross section. Suffering. The chemical ingredients include gentiopicrin, swertiamarin, gentiobiose, gentisin and gentisic acid. Sexually cold, bitter taste. Indications for heat and dampness, diarrhea and biliary fire. For damp heat jaundice, vaginal itching, vaginal discharge, eczema itching, red eyes, deafness, hypochondriac pain, mouth pain, convulsions and convulsions. The note belongs to the genus L. gentian G. manshuria Kitag. , three flowers gentian G. triflora Pall. The roots and rhizomes of G. regescens Franch are used as medicine for gentian.  Medical protective masks are masks made of one or more fabrics that have isolation effects on viral aerosols, virus-containing liquids, and so on. Under the respiratory airflow, it still has a barrier effect on viral aerosols, virus-containing liquids, etc., and when removed, the outer surface of the mask does not contact the human body, can filter particulates in the air, and block droplets, blood, body fluids, secretions, etc. . The use of medical masks includes adhesion testing, training, model selection, medical treatment and maintenance. Medical Protective Mask Protective Mask,Medical Protective Mask,Disposable Medical Protective Mask,Disposable Medical Protective Face Mask Guangzhou Aikangli Medical Technology Co., Ltd. ,
Function and composition: The Medical Protective Mask consists of a mask face and a tightening belt. The mask face is divided into three layers: inner, middle and outer. The inner layer is ordinary sanitary gauze or non-woven fabric. Propylene fiber melt-blown material layer, the outer layer is non-woven fabric or ultra-thin polypropylene melt-blown material layer. This high-efficiency medical Protective Mask is highly hydrophobic and breathable, and has a significant filtering effect on tiny virus-carrying aerosols or harmful fine dust, and the overall filtering effect is good.
The medical protective mask has a good fit with the wearer's face, can filter particles in the air, block pollutants such as droplets, blood, body fluids, secretions, etc., and can filter non-oily particles by more than 95% Personal protective equipment commonly used to deal with airborne diseases.
Scope of application: Medical protective masks are better protective products. It is recommended to wear when there is serious environmental pollution or sudden medical infectious diseases (such as respiratory tract infectious diseases), to prevent the spread of viruses from patients or the environment to users.
Product specifications: According to the national standard GB 19083-2003 "Technical Requirements for Medical Protective Masks", important performances of medical protective masks include filtration efficiency, adhesion, liquid barrier performance, comfort, hygiene, and biological safety tests.
Important technical indicators: including non-oily particle filtration efficiency and airflow resistance.
(1) Filtration efficiency: Under the condition of air flow (85 ± 2) L / min, the filtration efficiency of aerodynamic median diameter (0.24 ± 0.06) μm sodium chloride aerosol is not less than 95%.
(2) Tightness: The overall fit factor of the mask should not be less than 100.
How to use: How to wear a head mask
(1) Gently pinch the nose clip and place the mask on the face to ensure that it can cover the nose and mouth.
(2) The upper elastic band is fastened on the head to prevent air from entering.
(3) Tighten the lower elastic band around the neck.
(4) Be sure to fully open the mask to minimize the number of layers used during breathing.
How to wear earhook masks
(1) Pass the ear straps with both hands, place the nose clip on the upper part, and wear the mask on the nose and mouth
(2) The ear strap should be placed at the base of the ear and spread from head to toe, so that the folds of the mask are fully unfolded, which helps to cover the face to the greatest extent and minimize the number of layers required for breathing.
(3) Gently pinch the nose clip to prevent air from entering.