Medicinal Plant Peony (Mudanpi) Root Rot
Symptoms are also known as rot disease. Mainly hurt the roots. The roots and roots of the roots are black and rot. And extend to the main root. At the beginning of infection, the main roots produce irregular dark spots on the root bark, and they expand continuously, causing most of the roots to darken and extend to the xylem, causing all the roots to rot. The diseased plants grow weak, the leaves have small yellow, and the plants wilting until they die. Transmission routes and disease conditions The pathogens invade through sclerotia, chlamydospores on diseased roots or in soil, or in fertilizers, and are infested by insect wounds, mechanical injuries, and nematode wounds. The Dan Pi, cultivated in Tongling, Anhui Province, was transplanted with seedlings and transplants. There were many mechanical wounds, which caused heavy damage to the 2-year old Dan Pi. The continuous cropping of dead seedlings often occurs in the continuous cropping plots in Danpita, and the severity of the occurrence of underground pests is also heavy. Prevention methods (1) Promote rice rotation. (2) Transplant with nutritional seedlings to reduce root wounds. (3) Apply compost with cooked cake or enzyme bacteria. (4) The diseased plant was found to be removed in a timely manner and the diseased point was disinfected with lime. (5) Chemical control. When transplanted with 36% thiophanate-methyl thiophanate-methyl or 10% carbendazim gel suspension 700 times, appropriate addition of trace fertilizer and fertilizer into a paste, after the roots were planted seedlings. (6) Biological control. With 5406 antibiotic bacteria powder 1kg/667m2, mixed with cake powder l0 a 20kg applied in the planting hole effectively. JIANGMEN EASY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD ,
Pathogen Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc. Called Fusarium spores, is a semi-known fungus subphylum fungi. Mycelium has a diaphragm. Large conidiospores are spindle-shaped or sickle-shaped, slightly curved, with apical cells short, with 2-7 membranes, mostly 3-5. The small conidia are mostly elliptic, single-celled and aggregated at the apex of the conidial stem. The chlamydospores are round or oblong, endogenous or metamorphose. Hyphae growth, conidial germination temperature 25-30 °C, conidia in the 4% Dan Pi sap in a high germination rate.