Children's food should not be heated by microwave

Today, microwave ovens have become essential home appliances for households, but many people have not noticed the harm it may cause. They even think that it is completely harmless, but at least to the baby, it may bring about some health risks.

Although microwave ovens can quickly heat food, it is not recommended to heat baby bottles. Baby bottles may feel cold, but the liquid may be very hot and may scald the baby's mouth and throat. Also, excessive expansion of the liquid in a closed container may cause an explosion.

Hot water bottles with hot water, and then try the milk temperature with your wrist, may take more time, but it will be much safer for the baby.

More importantly, heating in a microwave oven may cause slight changes in the composition of the milk.

For infant formulas, heating in a microwave oven may mean the loss of certain vitamins.

Dr. Hawaii LitaLee stated in the Lancet magazine in December 1989: “Microwave heating of baby foods may turn some trans-amino acids into their cis isomers and change their optical configuration. These isomers are Not biologically active.” “Specifically, an amino acid in milk powder—L-proline—is converted to its d-isomer after microwave heating, and this isomer has been Knowledge is neurotoxic and harmful to the kidneys."

Experts worriedly said: “Many babies today are not breast-feeding, artificial milk—artificial formula made from milk, which is poor enough; but even worse, they are being fed by microwave ovens. Artificial milk!"

Mothers and mothers, please pay attention to the details when feeding children. Do not use microwaves to heat baby milk powder and any baby food.

Greenhouse Hydroponic System

Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, the method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Terrestrial plants may be grown with only their roots exposed to the mineral solution, or the roots may be supported by an inert medium, such as perlite or gravel. The nutrients in hydroponics can come from an array of different sources; these can include but are not limited to waste from fish waste, duck manure, or normal nutrients.

Greenhouse Hydroponic System,Greenhouse A Hydroponics,Greenhouse Flat Hydroponics,Greenhouse Vertical Hydroponics